Dear B'nai Mitzvah Student,
You are becoming a B'nai Mitzvah this year (woohoo!), and Tzedek America is thrilled to be part of the experience with you. The following form will let us get to know you a little bit and help you begin to think about how you want to engage in the mitzvah project component of your journey.
Here are some next steps!
1. Fill out the below form with your parent or guardian. It is absolutely okay if you don’t have an answer to any of the questions - that is what we’re here to help with!
2. Schedule a time to talk with one of our Mitzvah Project Central educators. We are excited and waiting to hear from you!
3. Take a peek at our Mitzvah Project Central Directory (Your password is unique to your synagogue) to start getting ideas of what projects we have already thought up for your neighborhood. If something sparks your interest, let us know when we have our meeting!
Dear Parent / Guardian,
We will be collecting some data from your child to best inform their mitzvah projects. To do that, we need you to fill out this Consent Form:
I have read, or I am familiar with, the Child Online Privacy Act (COPPA).
I permit Tzedek America to use the personal information of my student needed to utilize the programs and apps for instructional purposes.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the provisions of Tzedek America's Responsible Use Guidelines.
We will not share your information. See our privacy policy.
We are looking forward to getting started!
Your friends at Tzedek America